Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Star Trek TNG: Episode 117 - Ethics

What a weird ass episode. Worf gets paralyzed, asks Riker to assist in his suicide, then has a heart attack, then is brain dead ... and then pretty much back to normal by the end of the day. WTF? It wasn't a terrible episode, just sort of weird. The episode ends with Worf learning how to walk, ... I bet that by episode 118 he's doing the fucking electric slide.

116 down 63 to go


Donald said...

Anybody ever see that movie Walk like a Man with Howie Mandel? For some reason I think we've already discussed that. What a weird movie.

Anyway... this episode. Neat idea, but not carried out well, and the ending was a cheat. The idea of a warrior choosing ritual suicide over life as a cripple could have been interesting, but it should have been a character other than Worf, so the death could have been final.

Mugato said...

They took the easy way out on this one.

I think Walk Like a Man is on Netflix, I will attempt to watch because I haven't seen it in like 20 years.