Friday, April 04, 2014

Star Trek DS9 Episode 10 - Move Along Home

"Quark is forced to play a game by the Wadi, a newly encountered species, and the lives of the crew depend on the outcome. "

This episode was awesome. Only because I love the movie Jumanji and this episode was basically Jumanji in space. So Quark is stuck playing this game and the crew are trapped as pawns. One bad move and it could be death for Sisko and the others. Quark begins to crack under the pressure and finally has a nervous breakdown, which is pretty funny. In the end he loses the game and his players all "die", but not really because it was only a game. Anyway, I thought this episode was a lot of fun.

10 down and 166 to go


Donald said...

Steven Spielberg was originally going to direct Jumanji because he thought it was about the Holocaust. He left the production when he finally learned that it wasn't spelled "Jew-manji."

I'm going to go kill myself.

mugato said...

It's a board game that sends children back in time to Nazi germany

Donald said...

Remember that scene in Schindler's List where the little girl yells, "GOODBYE, JEWS!!! GOODBYE, JEWS!!!"

Best Buy should have a commercial where they have that actress scream, "BEST BUY, JEWS!! BEST BUY, JEWS!!"

Too late now, I guess.

Donald said...

Oh, and just to be clear: The comments section of your blog is where I dumb the jokes that I can't share with real, normal people. Sorry.

Mugato said...

Same here.

I would actually shop at Best Buy if they had a commercial like that.