Monday, January 23, 2006


Did you ever drink spring water and it tasted like shit? Let me tell you, Dasani water tastes like shit. Like as if I was drinking from a toilet....a used toilet. My tap water is vile and undrinkable but I honestly think it's better tasting than Dasani. How is this? How can "spring" water taste bad? Well, Dasani ain't technically spring's that reverse osmosis mumbojumbo....well I saw Osmosis Jones and it was cartoonishly grotesque....just like Dasani! Dasani, Italian should at least taste like veal parm.


Donald said...

I don't understand the appeal of water. Why do people drink water when the world is filled with beverages that actually have flavor? That'd be like if I turned down the option to eat something and said, "No, this piece of paper is fine. Thanks."

Anonymous said...

water is for homos.