Saturday, September 08, 2012

Star Trek TNG: Episode 56 - The Enemy

This is a great episode. Geordi ends up trapped on a planet with a Romulan and they must work together in order to stay alive. Meanwhile on the Enterprise Dr. Crusher is trying to save another Romulan that is dying, the only way is through a transfusion from Worf. And Worf is like 'fuck that'. So the dude dies. A Romulan Warbird approaches and is ready for a fight, but Picard is finally able to beam up Geordi and the Romulan (who explains that Geordi has saved his life). The End.

ST TNG: 55 down 124 to go


Donald said...

Huge rip off of Enemy Mine, but who gives a shit since it's so damn good? I love this episode.

Donald said...

Interesting tidbit: When I was younger and nerdier (well, younger anyway), I used to own a book called "The Nit-Pickers Guide to Star Trek: The Next Generation," where they noted all the errors in each episode, from simple production errors to more in depth mistakes in logic, story, and series continuity.

Anyway, I bring that up because this episode was the only episode for which the team of writers couldn't find a single mistake, error, or lapse in logic, either storywise or scientifically. That's pretty cool.

Justin Garrett Blum said...

Yeah, this is one of those "Damn, I wish there had been more Geordi episodes" episodes.

Mugato said...

Ha, I owned Nitpickers Guide to Classic Star Trek. I actually find that very amazing that this episode flawless.

Geordi really is a good character, he's just so damn likeable.

Donald said...

Remember that episode where there was a butterfly in the sky and Geordi went twice as high?

Mugato said...

hahahaha that was awesome

Mugato said...

I also like the episode in which Geordi is whipped by Vic Morrow. Also Vic Morrow had one of the wildest deaths ever