Friday, September 21, 2012

Star Trek TNG: Episode 58 - The Vengence Factor

"Riker exposes an assassin in the midst of critical peace talks...then he exposes his genitals"

Cool, but complicated. It was like a three hour movie squeezed into 47 minutes. Lots of good mystery, science and it has a hot chick. All I have to say is that the episode has both the cute girl from Nightmare on Elm Street 4 and 5 (by the way she's still hot at 48) and it also has the ugly girl from Porky's! How could it go wrong? Also it was directed by Bond ... Timothy Bond ... whoever the fuck that is.

ST TNG: 57 down 122 to go


Capt naps said...

I really don't remember this episode at ever...the next gen like episodes titled "the...something" the bonding , the vengenance, the who cares

Donald said...

This episode always bothers me because the end makes no sense.


So that girl keeps trying to kill that one guy, so Riker vaporizers her. Don't those weapons have a stun setting? He really had to kill her?

Mugato said...

I agree. The ending was a bit much.