Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Star Trek TNG: Episode 72 - Sarek

"The highly regarded, but elderly, Ambassador Sarek is ferried by the Enterprise on his final mission for the Federation. While aboard ship, the crew experiences an outbreak of irrational anger amongst themselves."

Mark Lenard is amazing. He's been playing Sarek since 1967 and he is awesome every single time. In this one, Sarek is suffering from a Vulcan disease in which his emotions are so pent up that they project onto other people. Yeah...it's stupid. Anyway, it is affecting the entire crew so a solution is devised in which a host must mind-meld with Sarek and all of his negative emotions will be transferred into this poor soul. So obviously they would have some Yeoman do it right? No, they have the fucking captain of the Starship do it. Does that at all make sense? Anyway, good episode.

ST TNG: 71 down 108 to go


Donald said...

Another great episode. This has been a good run of great episodes.

Justin Garrett Blum said...

In your world, it must really suck to be a Yeoman. heh. But yeah, when you think about it...

Donald said...

"Yeoman, MTV Raps" is that TV show where they play rap videos from the future.

Donald said...

I regret that joke.

Mugato said...

Actually, I only hear yeoman on TOS. Must have phased that position out.

I wonder what future rap would be like? hmmm.

Didn't Yeoman Rand write Atlas Shrugged?