Friday, September 13, 2013

Star Trek TNG: Episode 124 - I, Borg

Try watching this episode and NOT want to kill Beverley Crusher. That being said, this was an awesome episode. After discovering an injured Borg, Crusher convinces Picard to allow her to treat him. Picard comes up with a plan to "infect" this Borg and send him back to destroy the hive.

The Borg suddenly starts to develop individuality, he even ends up with a name ... Hugh. So there is a big debate on weather it is wrong for Picard to sacrifice Hugh. Honestly though, Picard was correct in this one ... this was their best shot at defeating the Borg.

Anyway, the dude that plays Hugh is on the show The Closer and he is really good.

123 down 56 to go


Donald said...

This is one of the best Trek episodes ever, not just from Next Gen, but all Trek. It's the kind of episode that reminds you why you love the show, and makes fans out of people who had never seen an episode before.

When did Star Trek turn to shit? I actually just finished watching Into Darkness, which was just a big dumb action movie. All of the films since Star Trek 6 were big dumb action movies. How did we go from I, Borg to something like Star Trek First Contact where Picard is a nut who just wants to murder everybody?

capt. Hugh G Rection said...

i hated Hugh
but this this is a good episode.

Justin Garrett Blum said...

Oh, come on now. First Contact was about a lot more than Picard going nuts and murdering everybody. Can you at least give Insurrection some credit for trying to be /about/ something?

Donald said...

Insurrection was a fun movie.

And First Contact was just a dumb action movie. I like it, because it's a good action movie, but it does feature a completely different Picard than we saw in the show.

Mugato said...

Picard was wild in that movie. I liked First Contact, but yeah...that was not Picard.

If Picard lets Hugh destroy his own race, then First Contact would have never been made. Makes you think.