Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Star Trek DS9 Episode 26 - Melora

 Malroa is an Ensign from a low gravity planet. Her body is incompatible with the DS9 gravity. So she has to be in a wheelchair?? Thus setting up the plot that she is "crippled" and must face all of the challenges of a handicapped person. Including having the annoying attitude and irritating defense mechanisms. This episode played into every stereotype and I'm surprised that most people didn't find it to be down right offensive.

Anyway, Bashir ends up falling for her. And they sort of hook up. He then creates a "cure" that allows her to walk. Meanwhile a former business partner of Quark has arrived on DS9, looking to murder Quark. The two plots collide when this guy takes Quark, Dax and Malora hostage. In the end Malora basically saves the day. I really didn't enjoy this one. Although the "would be murderer" did have a nose like a penis, that was at least funny.

26 down and 150 to go

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmm. I'm gonna have to rewatch this one. I vaguely remember it.