Friday, February 26, 2016

Star Trek VGR Episode 147 - Unimatrix Zero Pt. 2

This is where it really falls apart. The Voyager crew/Borgs start to stop the Queen from destroying Ultramtrix Zero. Tuvoks shot wears off and he goes crazy. Borg Queen confronts Janeway and tries to convince her to stop. Why she doesn't just kill Janeway, I have no idea. Instead she starts to kill thousands of her own drones in an attempt to guilt Janeway into giving in. Janeway is like, "go ahead and destroy the hive, I really don't care." The Borg Queen then decides to unleash a virus in Ultramatrix. Janeway decides to let the matrix be destroyed and just liberate these self-aware Borgs instead. Which she does. Now there are Borgs that are willing to fight against the Borg. Sort of a game changer.

147 down 25 to go


Unknown said...

So I decided I'm going to sign up for Netflix so I can watch Voyager. Classic blunder!

Unknown said...

So I joined a couple weeks ago... and I haven't watched any Voyager.