Thursday, February 15, 2018

Star Trek: Discovery (11-15)

Star Trek Discovery
Episodes 11-15

I must admit, the series started to lose me with the mirror universe stuff.

Episode Eleven: The Wolf Inside

So to recap, we have "evil" Michael as Captain of one ship, "evil" Roommate as Captain of another, Saru as Captain of the actual Discovery, mirror Saru as servant to "evil" Michael, Lorca as "captive" of Michael... and other stuff happening. In this episode we discover that there is a Rebel Alliance of all species trying to take down the Empire. That sounds familiar right? Yep, just like that show Empire. Michael decides to try and make peace with the Rebels and find out how the Klingons were able to coexist (answer is: A Common Enemy). Tyler freaks out again when he sees the Klingon Voq. Turns out Tyler is actually Voq, modified to look human! Saru puts him in the brig for killing the Doctor.
Grade: B-

Episode Twelve: Vaulting Ambition

Stamets meets his mirror self and they work on a solution to this mirror universe dilemma. We find out that the evil Emperor is mirror Georgiou. Saru learns during a medical exam on Tyler that he is Klingon. Everyone is shook. Lorca is tortured aboard Georgiou's ship. Michael has dinner with Georgiou and learns a) the Emperor knows about the alternate universe, b) Lorca has been from this mirror universe [yes, this blew my mind], and c) Saru's species tastes pretty good. Evidently Lorca has planned every little detail from the moment Michael met him. I knew something was up.
Grade: B

Episode Thirteen: What's past is Prologue

Lorca escapes and gets his old crew back together. He then tries to overthrow Emperor Georgiou but she kills him. The Discovery crew figures out how to get back "home" but they end up 9 months in the future, at a time when the Klingons have won the war. I hope Lorca isn't dead for good because he is one of the best characters on the show.
Grade C+

Episode Fourteen: The War Without, The War Within

Once Discovery appears back in the real world, they are boarded by Admiral Cromwell and Sarek. Needless to say, they are very suspicious of what had happen. Sarek melds with Saru and learns the truth. Cromwell takes command of the ship and confides in evil Georgiou on how to defeat the Klingons (she had successfully done this in her universe). Her plan is to attack Qo'nos.
Grade B-

Episode Fifteen: Will You Take My Hand?

Georgiou, Michael, Roommate and Tyler go on an undercover mission to map the planet in order to prep for the attack. Georgiou ends up hooking up with strippers, weird stuff. Secretly she plans to literally blow up the entire planet. In order to avoid genocide Michael brokers a peace treaty using L'Rell (aka Klingon lady, aka Tyler's Klingon wife) as the figure head. L'Rell then begins to unite the Klingon houses. Order is restored to the universe, I guess. Everyone gets recommendations. Then, a very intriguing ending occurs, the Enterprise shows up under the Command of Pike!
Grade B+

FINAL WORD: I truly expected to hate this show. Not sure why, but I just did. Honestly, I really enjoyed it. Every single character is good. In every other Star Trek series I either disliked a few characters or just didn't care about them. But, not this show. Michael started off shaky but turned into a strong and interesting lead. Saru started off lame but turned into a much tougher crewmember than I thought. Lorca is insanely awesome, evil Georgiou may be one of the top characters on the show, Roommate was a great comic relief and the Doctor was just so darn likeable (I hope he is not dead for good). Stamets however, was by far my favorite. Anthony Rapp was fantastic. He literally played complete opposites, a pompous a-hole Stamets and then a fun loving excitable Stamets.

I did not like them using a mirror universe story arc in season one. We barely got used to the personalities of the real characters, when suddenly we have to navigate a world with other versions of them. It was a little confusing and boring at times. We will see what Season Two brings us, I am curious to learn more about the characters lives and motives. They are all still a mystery, which is a good thing.
Final Grade B

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