I'm sick and don't feel like doing this ... so here it goes.
Solid episode here. T’Pol is being reassigned by the Vulcan high command because that Vulcan temple from a few episodes ago was destroyed by the Andorians. She’s in trouuuubbble. Like we are really going to believe that T’Pol will be taken off of the show half way through season one.
Oh one of the Vulcans was the Alien Nation guy … he has the most recognizable male set of lips since Mick Jagger. By the way the Temple was named Pearl Jam. Which is fitting seeing how temple was full of people that are talented but deadpan know-it-all's.
Archer and T’Pol get kidnapped by some alien species. Archer is a wise ass as usual and gets a beating. Archer and T’Pol are tied together and try to release each others’ restraints, each time ending up in odd sexual positions. How convenient for Archer that it was T’Pol and not another guy, although that would have made for better TV. Archer also forces her to eat off the floor…
I like when Trip has to be the captain, he’s very Bones-esque. The Vulcans show up and are pissed because T’Pol isn’t there. Trip and Malcolm go down to the planet to save the captain and T’Pol. They are confronted by … tada…An Andorian/Brian Cranston/the Re-Animator guy. They actually want to help out, which is cool because I really like these Andorians. The Andorian is so pissed because he’s losing sleep over having to repay Archer for helping them out previously.
Vulcans show up on the planet, there’s a big fight, T’Pol gets shot while saving a Vulcan officer….and she gets to stay on the Enterprise.