Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Enterprise: Episode 13 - DEAR DOCTOR

"Phlox & Archer must decide where their morals lie about letting a species live or die from a pandemic."

Sweet a Dr. Phlox themed episode! Phlox is both a good doctor and a sturdy perennial. The episode begins with Dr. Phlox receiving a letter?? from a friend, a man, from San Francisco!! So I’m thinking, oh it’s obvious, Dr. Phlox is obviously a Giants fan. It’s interesting to see Dr. Phlox observing humans, he’s way out of his comfort zone. He keeps bringing up mating, then we see that a human Ensign girl is actually attracted to him. It’s obviously for his personality….so unrealistic.  Human woman like to pretend that they care about personality, “I don’t care about looks, as long as he has a good sense of humor”. LIE… Anyway, Archer asks Dr. Phlox to save a species from a disease. The planet has two life forms, both humanoid but one is more of a “Neanderthal type”, like Vin Diesel. Phlox discovers that the disease is genetic and only affects the non-Neanderthal type. They will eventually be extinct and the Neanderthal’s will evolve. Phlox refuses to interfere with evolution and Archer reluctantly agrees. So they leave the people to die. Bravo. Great episode.


1 comment:

capt.naps said...

that is true women are very shallow. I'd say even more then men!!
I have known plenty of girls that I haven't thought were all that good looking but once i get to know them they are pretty cool and THEN im attracted to them!!! never happens the other way around. A girl instantly knows if she wants to bang a guy and NOTHING will ever change her mind
and a "sense of humor" is such a cop out. I'm the funniest guy EVER!!!!! and girls hate me.