Thursday, July 21, 2011

Enterprise: Episode 7 - THE ANDORIAN INCIDENT

“Archer, Trip, and T'Pol are taken hostage by Andorians in the Vulcan monastery of P'Jem”

Best one yet. Maybe one of my favorites of all time. Archer is the man in this one. He’s punching Vulcans, wrestling Andorians repeatedly getting his face beaten in by the Andorians and he still stays cool. In fact he purposely takes a beating, now that’s balls. If only Archer new that a few years later he would be sitting around a table squawking like hens with Ray Romano and Bubba Shrimp. The Andorians are super convinced that the Vulcans have some crazy spy machine in this temple…nobody believes them. The whole time I’m thinking “I really hate these Andorians with their antennae and blue skin … although they all seem to look like Brian Cranston in some weird way” … it turns out they re right! The Vulcans are sneaky pricks as usual. Then I’m thinking “I like these Andorians they are pretty tough but look super gay, which is totally respectable”



capt.naps said...

hahaha I bet the andorian's have really bad BLUE BALLS!!! GIT IT!?!?!
my biiiig blue balls

Donald said...

Enterprise as a series was probably worth it just for Jeffrey Combs's role as that Andorian. He was always fun to see.