Monday, July 09, 2012

Star Trek TNG: Episode 36 - The Measure of a Man

This was a pretty good episode. It's just basically a court room drama, but it was entertaining. Starfleet wants to take apart Data in order to study him. Picard argues that he is a sentient being and has rights, Starfleet sees him as their property. Picard must act as Data's lawyer in order to save his life. Also in this episode Data reveals that he screwed Tasha Yar.
I would say that just because Data is not human, does not mean that he should be destroyed. This seems like a very odd request from Starfleet. Plus, Data is arguably the best Officer in all of Starfleet ... so lets kill him?? Another very stupid element to this one is the fact that Riker must be the Prosecutor in the case against Data. Why would this ever be a good idea? If I'm ever on trial I sure as hell would not mind having my friend as the Prosecutor. Seems like a HUGE conflict of interest??

ST TNG: 35 down 143 to go


Capt naps said...

Always wondered about data. Was he considered a free citizen ?? I guess so since he had sex with Trisha yar...whatever

Erenst Borgnine passed away...Borgnine...the of nine...Borg nine!! Think about it

Donald said...

This was a pretty great episode, even though -- as you point out -- it kind of makes no sense. Of course Data isn't property of Starfleet, and the idea that they'd need a trial to sort that out is kind of ridiculous.

However, it's a cool story that's well told. There's never been a bad episode that's centered around Data.

Or maybe there have been a few. I don't remember.

Capt naps said...

Now data was found on some weird planet and was built by soong...why would the federation think they owned him? Even if they didn't believe he was sentient...even that makes no sense..they run into crazy aliens all the time that they accept as sentient but not a robot? But allow him to be an officer on a star ship!?
Its like old silver age superman comics where supes would kill (or allow to die) robots or bizarros based on the idea that they weren't truely alive.

Cap naps said...

I've seen Brent in other shows (most genre stuff where he had a guest apperance). He is always great.
Also as the tv show went on and then the movies came...why did data (an android) age and get heavier?? Like he modified his body to look older?hmmm star trek? Explain that

Mugato said...

It was tough to keep Brent looking young I guess. Also Riker started off as a sex symbol and ended as a creepy fat man. Picard always looks the same.