Friday, September 20, 2013

Star Trek TNG: Episode 125 - The Next Phase

While trying to create a modified cloaking device, the Romulans accidently turn Ro and LaForge invisible. The first half of this episode suuuuucks. Its just Ro saying goodbye to everybody, but then it picks up a bit and becomes pretty darn decent. Everybody on the ship thinks that the two are dead, but they rematerialize during their funeral...New Orleans style ... which only means one thing .... Riker playing a trombone.

Why would he know how to play a fucking trombone? Nobody plays the damn thing now, nevermind in a few hundred years.

124 down 55 to go


Donald said...

This is one of those episodes that probably sounded better on paper. But... it's fun. Just a little silly.

capt.naps said...

he should have played the vulcan-electro-quantum-space-trombone-afone-atron.

Mugato said...

I really do fixate on the dumbest shit on Star Trek, like trombones and poker.