Monday, July 07, 2014

Star Trek DS9 Episode 30 - Sanctuary

This race called the Skreeas or something, arrive on DS9. They are fleeing their dying world are searching for a new home, they believe that their rightful place is on Bajor. The Bajoran government is like, "no way, we are in the midst of a famine and we are not taking in millions of new people". Sisko and Kira find a nice new world for them to live on, but they are adamant about going to Bajor. In the end they have no choice and must be relocated to Draylon 2. The Skreeas tell the Bajorans that it's their loss, because they are a culture of farmers and could have helped the Bajorans overcome the famine. Which is bullshit. First of all just because you can farm doesn't negate the fact that you are adding millions of more mouths to feed. They may be able to feed themselves but most likely the Bajorans would still starve. Plus based on the fact that they acted like self centered dicks the entire time on DS9, I highly doubt they would even help anyone but themselves. Never mind the fact that the Bajorsn have no idea what type of people are coming to your planet; are there diseased people? are there violent people? are there at least any hot chicks???

Also the late Andrew Koenig was in this episode, that makes me sad.

30 down and 146 to go

1 comment:

Donald said...

So I've been rewatching DS9 and rereading your reviews. This was the first that made me reply. Andrew Koenig was a cool actor.