Thursday, July 31, 2014

Star Trek DS9 Episode 33 - Armageddon Game

I very much enjoyed this episode. It involves O'Brien and Bashir. They are on a mission to dismantle all the biological weapons that have been amassed by two warring races, the T'Lani and the Kellerun. Just as Bashir is about to shut down the final weapon Kellerun soldiers burst in and start shooting everybody. Bashir and O'Brien escape in a Runabout down to the planet surface. The planet is decimated by war and the seek refuge in some ruins.

Meanwhile, in a classic war time ploy, the Kellerun create a fake video showing the death of Bashir and O'Brien. The crew morn them, but Kieko has doubts. She notices in the video that Miles is drinking coffee, something she says he never does. After investigating the death site, Dax manages to unravel the plot and the find the two men (Miles however being near death due to an infection). After recovery, Miles comments to Keiko that he does indeed drink coffee. So the entire rescue effort was done by complete coincidence.

Well done. I recommend this one.

33 down and 143 to go


Unknown said...

Honest question... Has there ever been a main Trek cast member who hasn't either died or had their death faked somehow? I'm gonna think on this and get back to you.

Unknown said...

I'm gonna start with Next Gen, because I know that one the best:

Picard: The Romulans faked his death in Chain of Command. There must have been others.

Data: Antique collector Fazio faked his death in The Most Toys

Geordi: Transformed into a Lizard monster. Does that count?

Worf: Died in that episode where he was crippled and got a new spine... or something. But then he came back to life.

Riker... I can't think of one. Riker is immortal.

Troi: Who gives a shit?

Crusher: Who gives a shit?

Mugato said...

In the episode where Kirk has to fight Spock. Bones gives Kirk an injection of something that simulates death.

I remember Spock also lowering his heart rate, in order to pretend he is dead. Not sure the episode.

I think you summed it all up though. It seemed to happen way too much on Next Gen.

Unknown said...

Then, of course, Spock actually fucking died.