Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Star Trek DS9 Episode 44 - The Collaborator

"A Bajoran, secretary Kubus, who aided the Cardassian occupation forces wants to return home from exile. Vedek Winn engages in a power play to become kai against Vedek Bareil."

These Cardassian episodes just all start meshing together. They seem to all be about the same thing, some kind of treachery. Kira is in a relationship with Bereil who has a decent shot at being kai. That is until Odo finds out that he was responsible for some massacre. And then Kira finds out that he was just covering for someone. But non of that is important...

What is important is that Tom Villard is in this episode. He played Rick, one of the guys that were stranded on the desert island with Rose, Blanche and Dorothy in the Golden Girls episode "Vacation". This brings up the question, if you had to be trapped on a desert island with one of the Golden Girls...who would it be?

44 down and 132 to go


capt,naps said...

I guess Betty White was the best looking golden girl and the nicest one too.

Mugato said...

That's exactly what I was thinking too.

Unknown said...

Dorothy. She's the most sane and normal. She's also the smartest so she might be able to build a boat or something.

Mugato said...

I was actually considering Dorothy for that same reason. She might get annoying...I guess Rose would too though.