Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Star Trek DS9 Episode 77 - Indiscretion

"Forced to bring along Dukat on a personal mission to investigate the fate of the ship Ravinok, Kira discovers the real reason her old enemy wants to accompany her."

This one was directed by LeVar Burton. I'm not a fan of either Dukat or Kira but I found this episode to be extremely well done.

So the reason why Dukat wanted to go along was because his Bajoran mistress and daughter were on that ship. After Kira and him go down to the planet, he notices his mistress is dead but they locate his daughter. Dukat plans on killing her, because if it ever came out that a Cardassian had a relationship with a Bajoran than it would be disastrous. But, he can't do it. Instead he takes his daughter with him.

77 down and 99 to go

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmm. I don't remember this one.