Monday, December 22, 2014

Star Trek DS9 Episode 108 - Rapture

"An accident causes Sisko to have prophetic visions."

While I did enjoy this episode, the plot was a little forced. Sisko sees a painting of a lost Bajoran city and then becomes obsessed with finding it..(OK, but why??). He Finds an obelisk that supposedly leads the way to the city, he go nuts trying to figure out it's meaning...(yes, but again, why??). Then the holodeck malfunctions and knocks Sisko out. He starts having prophetic visions (how convenient...and also why is stuff always malfunctioning on DS9?). His visions bring him closer to the truth, but his headaches are getting bad and Bashir tells him that he will die without surgery. Sisko refuses, he wants the visions to reveal the truth to him (since when does he even care about this stuff?). Jake is forced to decide for him and Bashir operates. The visions end. But not before Sisko warns that if Bajor joins the Federation than all hell will breaks loose.

108 down and 68 to go

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like the Bajoran mysticism episodes more than I like the ones about Klingon honor, but only by a little bit.