Monday, December 01, 2014

Star Trek DS9 Episode 98 - Broken Link

This is the season four finale. So, Odo keeps turning into a puddle and Bashir can't figure out why. A female Shapeshifter shows up and explains that Odo has been infected with a deadly disease by the Founders. The only cure is to come and join the Great Link. While there, he will also be judged for his actions against his own kind. They agree to go and Sisko accompanies him. Meanwhile the Defiant is orbiting the planet under command of Work. He is desperately trying to stop Garak from firing on the planet and killing the entire Founder population. Seems like a serious crime, but they never really bring it up again.

Finally, judgment is passed on Odo. He is expelled from the Link and must live his life as a human. As a punishment he gets to keep his ugly face...although honestly he is much better looking than most of the hideous monsters that appear on Star Trek ... like Lwaxana Troi. So is Odo human from now on? He no longer has shapeshifter powers? If so, then he is fucking useless.

The episode ends with the discovery that the Klingon Gowron is actually a shifter. It's an OK twist, but as finale's go this one was just not that great.

98 down and 78 to go

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