Monday, March 16, 2015

Star Trek DS9 Episode 144 - His Way

"Bashir shows off a new Holosuite program of a martini lounge with the 1960s Vegas singer named Vic Fontaine who is very perceptive; and gives advice to Odo when Kira visits her ex-lover Shakaar."

This episode is completely unwatchable. DS9 had a good run so far. I mean, even the shitty episodes had been watchable. This one however.... Let me just say that not only is the plot annoying (because yet again a nice looking woman is attracted to a hideous monster of a man...seriously this sends the wrong message to all of us male nerds out there), but Vic Fontaine is the worst character of all time. I would rather have Cousin Oliver in this episode. Now this is by far the worst part of this episode, they literally perform three entire songs. Not clips of songs, but three full length songs. It's dreadful.

144 down and 32 to go


capt.naps said...

I warned you about vic fontaine...i warned you.

People liked The Doctor Hologram from Voyager so they put another hologram on this show. It makes no sense...people liked the doctor because of the actor/character its not like they were crazy about holograms.

Mugato said...

It was worse than I imagined

Unknown said...

Oh no! This is where we're gonna have to stop being friends. I LOVE Vic Fontaine. All of his episodes are brilliant.

I mean, he's a dumb character to be sure, but he's fun.