Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Star Trek VGR Episode 47 - False Profits

Yes, the Ferengi! Even better than that, this episode is a direct link to the TNG episode "The Price" in which these two Ferengi go into a wormhole and get trapped in the Delta Quadrant. So while they were there, they crashed on a planet and pretend to be gods. They take over the planet and run the place like dictators.

Voyager discovers them and Janeway makes the decision to step in. Neelix pretends to be an emissary of the Grand Nagus and tries to force the Ferengi to leave.  The two Ferengi discover the ruse. Neelix uses his wits to convince the population that he is the real prophet. In a sign of honor the population decides to burn the three alive, so naturally they beam the hell out of there. The Ferengi manage to steal their ship off of Voyager and head through a small wormhole that only opens up for like a minute, every 7 years. Of course. So here is where Janeway fucked this up. They could have made a deal with these two Ferengi, send them back to the Alpha Quadrant with word of Voyagers whereabouts and compensate them.

47 down 125 to go

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