Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Star Trek VGR Episode 49 - Sacred Ground

The crew go to a very religious planet inhabited by the Nechani. While there Kes touches an artifact and goes into a coma. Neelix discovers that this happened one other time on the planet and the person was saved by a ritual. Janeway decides to go through the ritual, it consists of intense physical, emotional and mental activities. Her guide (Becky Ann Baker from Freaks and Geeks) takes her along and she finally passes.

Now she must seek the answer from the spirits. She gets a bite from a venomous creature and journeys to the other side. Which ends up being a bunch of old people sitting in a sauna! Seriously. It was pretty funny. They are played by the great Estelle Harris, Keene Curtis and Parley Baer (who was the mayor on the Andy Griffith Show). Also in this episode, is Harry Groener who was the Mayor on Buffy.

Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yeah. So Janeway asks the spirits if they know the cure and they say no ... Janeway already knows it. So she goes back to Voyager and feels compelled to do the ritual again, this time carrying Kes. This cures her. The Doctor thinks up a plausible scientific explanation for her sudden cure, but Janeway isn't so sure it wasn't do to religion.

49 down 123 to go

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