Saturday, September 05, 2015

Star Trek VGR Episode 58 - Blood Fever

"Vorik passes on the Pon farr to B'Elanna."

Another where episode. So Vorik, a Vulcan (whom I totally forgot was even on the ship) starts going through Pon farr. If you remember from TOS when this happened to Spock, a Vulcan gets violently horny like every seven years or
something. He basically assualts B'Elanna, and in the process he accidently passes the feelings onto her. Long story short she ends up trapped on a planet with Paris and she is all horned up.

The inhabitants of the planet are very xenophobic (they fear Xena) as well and are not happy about their presence. Evidently they once had a very bad experience with outsiders. These outsiders had nearly exterminated them. So, the episode is weird but then the ending is very unexpected. Janeway and crew are about to leave the land when they find something unexpected ... a dead Borg.

58 down 114 to go


Unknown said...

I've never understood the Pon Farr. It's just too wacky. I dunno. How does a civilization survive when people go crazy and die if they don't have sex?

Mugato said...

I think that's how Rocky Dennis finally went.

Seriously though, and of all civilizations to do that with, they choose the Vulcans??

Unknown said...

Remember that time Rocky Dennis appeared in an episode of Star Trek, and all the fans got confused trying to figure out what alien species he was supposed to be?