Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Star Trek VGR Episode 60 - Darkling

"The Doctor attempts to improve his program by including elements of the personalities of various famous people that he admires, taken from holocharacters of them."

These characters include Ghandi and Tom Byron...I mean Lord Byron. Meanwhile Kes is on a planet, hooking up with some guy... I don't recall her breaking up with Neelix?? Anyway, the Doctor ends up creating an evil twin off himself by accident. I only it looked the opposite of him, like with long hair and goatee or something. Anyway, the evil Doctor tries to kill Kes's love interest. Weird ass episode.

60 down 112 to go


Unknown said...

This one actually sounds kinda fun. I never really liked the Doctor as a character, but Robert Picardo definitely nailed the performance.

Unknown said...

Also, this episode should've been called "Darkling Doc." You know... like Darkwing Duck. Get it?

Mugato said...

I was going to make that same Darkwing Duck joke!

capt.naps said...

the only part i remember was when "ghandi" hologram's head shook really fast so it was blurry....this was very popular back then. it was like a Tool video

Unknown said...

I had to Google "Tom Byron" to get your reference. I wish I could say I didn't immediately recognize him when his picture popped up, but we all have our demons. Hey, at least I didn't know his name.

Mugato said...

It was my goal to make you google Tom Byron. He is my role model haha.