Sunday, May 07, 2006

Offensive....i can't think of a pun.

What is up with people being offended by the stupidest things. Such as Black people being offended when people say that they like chicken and watermelon....seriously think about this. You take offense to food. Fucking food!! I don't care if someone says that I like turkey bacon. I hate turkey bacon but I could care less if you say that I like it. Man....turkey bacon sucks. It's like eating a shoe....Elizabeth Shoe!! or her lesser known brother Andrew Shoe...whatever floats your boat. So what was I saying???

Oh and also Jews are offended when people say that they run Hollywood, they are also offended when you say that they have money. You morons do realize that running Hollywood is A GOOD THING!!! You fucking idiot. Is it really anti-semetic to say that you are successful????

Asians are offended when we say that they are good at Math??? Hispanics are offended when we say they eat tacos???? Arabs are offended when we call them terrorists??? OK so I guess thats a good one to be offended by....except for the fact that they actually ARE all terrorists.

I am offended by fact white people are offended by nothing. Say anything you me a honkey and i'll laugh at the hilarity of the word...honkey. It makes me think of Konkey from Pee Wee's Playhouse....and man, does it get any funnier than that?


Donald said...

Black people never seem to mind when you talk about their huge cocks.

Mugato said...

Good point about black mens cocks. Also, Fuck you Travis Martin, I have no desire to go back to college. I have a $10,000 student loan and i didn't even graduate. In fact I only went one year. So fuck college.

Anonymous said...

this doctor awesome.
everyone should go back to college.

also black people like to smoke crack. dont forget that!!!