Monday, March 18, 2013

Star Trek TNG: Episode 94 - The Nth Degree

"After an encounter with an alien probe Barclay experiences great leaps in confidence and intelligence."

Finally! Some good pop culture in TNG. The episode begins with Dr. Crusher and Lt. Barclay performing a skit from the movie Roxanne starring Steve Martin and it is .... what? .... Cyrano who? ... Cyrano de Bergerac! Oh hell.

Don't they have Playstation or XBox on this ship.

Remember that episode about that shy Lt. named Barcaly? Yeah I sort of did to. Well, he's back ... for some reason. Now he gets taken over by a super smart being and becomes, well .. super smart. At least this episode had some good guest stars, including Albert Einstein, the daughter of Gen. Bernard Trainer, some guy that was in The Last Star Fighter and the dude that did the voice of Captain Planet .... the power is yours!

ST TNG: 93 down 86 to go


Donald said...

This is one of my favorite episodes. It perfectly shows how innovative and brave this show was, since they were so often willing to have an entire episode center around a totally superfluous character who isn't even a real member of the cast.

And it's just a fun, clever story.

Mugato said...

That is true. They did center episodes around secondary characters. That does show some balls actually.

Imagine if Growing Pains tried to do multiple episodes centered around Boner or Stinky Sullivan.

capt.naps said...

hahaha boner...who was related to um...that guy from star trek...i cant be bothered to look it up.

anyways i figure the rest of the crew was on vacation this episode

Justin Garrett Blum said...

Are you shitting on Barclay? The best Star Trek character of all time?

Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration, but he /is/ awesome.