Thursday, April 11, 2013

Star Trek TNG: Episode 99 - The Mind's Eye

Geordi is brainwashed by the Romulans with the aid of a Klingon traitor. His goal is to assassinate a Klingon Governor in order to prevent the Federation from interfering in a war ... or something. Anyway, this all occurs while Geordi is taking a shuttlecraft ... alone ... through space ... going to Risa for vacation... why would this happen??? He gets abducted by Romulans and brainwashed, they send signals through Geordi's visor in order to give him orders. A Geordi imposter is then sent to Risa. Because most Romulan ships have a black guy on hand for just this occasion.

The Romulans then implant fake memories of his vacation into his mind. Very "Total Recall". LaForge seems normal while back onboard the Enterprise until the brainwashing beam is sent to his visor ... then he turns into Reggie Jackson in Naked Gun. This episode has actor John Fleck in it, who according to his Wikipedia page "also appears in Howard The Duck, Waterworld and the ZZ Top music video Legs" ... what a resume.

I actually enjoyed this episode. Picture "National Lampoons Vacation meets Total Recall meets Naked Gun meets Roots meets Ray Charles meets 2001 A Space Odessey meets Dorf On Golf"

ST TNG: 98 down 81 to go


Donald said...

The shuttlecraft scene is so weird. Don't starships fly at faster than the speed of light? Is there really anywhere a Shuttlecraft could go that a Starship couldn't do in, like, a thousandth of the time? They really couldn't just drop him off?

And why did he get so bored and start talking to the computer? I understand that there's no holodeck in a shuttlecraft, but they don't even have a DVD player? Come on!

capt.naps s said...

poor laforge he can't even go on vacation.

Mugato said...

Oh yeah. That part. He strikes up a conversation with the shuttlecraft computer. Seriously though, no movies?? He also said that it was a three hour flight. It doesn't seem as though the craft has a bathroom, so would you have to just hold it?

capt.naps s said...

you use the teleporter to teleport the poop into space if you go the bathroom

Donald said...

Could you literally teleport the feces from your intestines into space?

What about fat cells? Is that how they do lipsuction in the future? They just teleport out the fat? Why not? Somebody should write that episode.

capt.naps said...

seems like you could do anything with that teleporter. Like if a guy gets his arm blown off on a planet, just teleport him and reassemble his arm.
or if someone has a disease just reassemble him without the germs inside of him.

you're taking a person apart and then moving their atoms across hard could it be to teleport poop out of a lower intestine ??? never seems to come up.

an episode where a guy comes up with a new weight loss scheme and teleports the fat off of people but then a giant fat monster attacks...all the fat from all the people joins together and becomes sentient and wants to eat everyone.