Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Star Trek TNG: Episode 97 - Half A Life

As much as I can't stand Lwaxana Troi, this episode wasn't so bad. Sure she is annoying as hell and looks more like a horribly aging Leonard Nimoy than a gracefully aging Majel Barrett ... but the rest of the cast carries this one and I guess she didn't completely suck.

The Enterprise is helping Timicin revive a dying sun using photons. Lwaxana is on the ship and gets her Depends in a bunch over this guy. Unfortunately on his planet once you turn 60 years you have to kill yourself. So he must go home to die. Lwaxana wants him to live, but he bides by his culture and Picard will not interfere. Troi is by his side as he shits the bed.

ST TNG: 96 down 83 to go


Donald said...

No love for David Ogden Stiers? Is that his name? Anyway, he was in this, and he was good. Underrated actor.

This was a pretty clever story that made for some classic Trek, but it's probably one that I wouldn't rewatch too often. But it's solid.

Mugato said...

Yes! He was really good in this episode. Major Winchester from MASH. Also his daughter in this episode was played by michelle forbes, the mother from The Killing ... great show.