Friday, January 24, 2014

Star Trek TNG: Episode 152 - Timescape

"Picard, Troi, LaForge and Data must save the Enterprise, which they find frozen in an explosion of time, taking weapons fire from an also-frozen Romulan Warbird." ... Adam Nimoy directed this.

I just could not get into this one. It wasn't terrible, but it just wasn't that memorable. Everyone is frozen in the middle of a fight, both ship to ship and hand to hand .... it is due to some trans-dimentional being that sort of got stuck in the middle of it...or something. Picard, Troi, LaForge and Data escape being frozen because they are in the process of returning from a conference on the Runabout Shuttlecraft. So the real question is "why the hell do they keep taking these friggin' shuttlecrafts when they can just beam anywhere??"

151 down 28 to go


Donald said...

I like this episode! I thought it was really well done and entertaining. Also... and I may be remembering incorrectly... but I think it was directed by Leonard Nimoy's son. For some reason, that stands out in my memory.

Mugato said...

Adam Nimoy did direct and he did a really solid job. But, I just couldn't get into the plot for some reason.

Justin Garrett Blum said...

Neat episode. I usually like the high concept ones, like the Enterprise getting stuck in a time loop, and stuff like that.