Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Star Trek DS9 Episode 32 - The Alternate

"Odo's former teacher believes he has found a life form similar to Odo in the Gamma Quadrant"

This episode sort of reminds me of a TOS episode. Like Man Trap or something. This new life-form (which ends up not being the same as Odo) seems to be transforming into a monster and attacking the crew. This monster actually ends up being Odo. The life form is some how causing him to transform and become violent.

It was an OK episode and I enjoyed seeing Odo out of his element.

32 down and 144 to go


Justin Garrett Blum said...

I kind of recall seeing this episode, but I have no idea what the heck you're talking about. heh. The life form is Odo but not Odo?

Mugato said...

I am terrible at explaining anything. So, there was an entity on the ship and they assumed that it was the thing attacking people. But, come to find out, it was actually Odo attacking everyone...under the control of this entity.