Saturday, January 31, 2015

Star Trek DS9 Episode 130 - Sacrifice of Angels

"Sisko commands the Defiant and 600 Federation ships against a Dominion/Cardassian armada to retake Deep Space Nine. Damar has Kira, Jake, and Leeta arrested."

This ends the six episode story arc. It was a well thought out story, lots of moving parts and it was well written. It ends with Sisko and his fleet attacking DS9. Dukat lays a trap, allowing Sisko to get close to the station before he unleashes his Dominion fleet to surround them. Dukat then orders all of the remaining Federation crew on DS9 arrested for treason. Quark gets Dukats daughter to help them escape capture and Odo also assists in their escape. When the Cardassians find out that Dukats daughter helped in the escape, she is killed.

Sisko is wise to the trap but soon is overwhelmed when Dukat finally destroys the minefield. Sisko and his fleet flee into the wormhole where he is visited by The Prophets. They help Sisko destroy the Dominion ships. He can focus on taking back DS9. Dukat tries to fire on Sisko but he can't, it seems that Rom sabotaged the weapons system. The Dominion/Cardassians begin to flee DS9. At the end, everyone is reunited and feels so good.

I hate these episodes that are so good that I can't even think of a good joke.

130 down and 46 to go


Unknown said...

This entire season all blends together for me, and I can't remember distinct episodes. But it was all awesome.

Mugato said...

It really is like one gigantic episode of war and intrigue. It was very well done.