Monday, February 09, 2015

Star Trek DS9 Episode 134 - The Magnificent Ferengi

"Quark mounts a rescue mission when his mother, Ishka, is captured by the Dominion and Grand Nagus Zek offers a reward for her return."

Quark leads a crack team of Ferengi "commandos". Mainly Rom, Brunt and a few others. They run simulations of the rescue and it shows very poor results. In general a Ferengi "army" is a bad idea because they are all so self absorbed that working as a team is nearly impossible. Even though they just want to rescue Ishka for the money, they eventually bond together and do a very good job with the rescue. In fact, Quark and Rom seem more happy with saving their mother than receiving any money. It was a rare showing for Ferengi. I enjoyed this episode. Also, fucking Iggy Pop is in it!?!?!

134 down and 42 to go


Unknown said...

Oh yeah, this one. On paper, this sounds like the most unsufferable episode imaginable, but it was actually really fun.

Mugato said...

It does look bad, especially if you don't like the Ferengi characters. But yeah, I enjoyed it.