Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Star Trek TOS: Episode 31 - WHO MOURNS FOR ADONAIS?

Who Mourns For Adonis has always been one of my top ten favorites. I like mythology and the concept that these Gods existed (be it as superior alien beings) is an interesting idea. The theory put down in this episode is that the Greek Gods were powerful alien beings that travelled around the universe and influenced civilizations (such as Earth and Vulcan/Romulan).
In this episode the Enterprise encounters the actual Apollo (and his giant green space hand) and are held captive. Apollo wants to be worshiped. 
Actor Michal Forest does a great job as the cocky Apollo and he looks the part as well, his dialogue is also wonderfully written. He soon takes Lt. Palamas (played by the beautiful Leslie Parrish) as his love interest. Kirk devises a plan to anger Apollo to the point where his guard is down and then Spock can order Sulu to shoot Apollo’s power source (Mt. Olympus). Once his power source is destroyed, Kirk and crew escape. Apollo seems a bit depressed. Scotty is so insane in the this episode, it’s hilarious. He gets so pissed at Apollo that he just blindly runs at him like a raving lunatic, Apollo blasts him with his lightening. The greatest thing is that Scotty does this not once, not twice but THREE TIMES. Even after Kirk warned him to stop. I guess Scotty is supposed to be a bar room brawler type of guy? I like him.

 ST TOS COUNTDOWN: 32 down 48 to go


Justin Garrett Blum said...

Did you ever see that Trek reunion episode of Futurama? Something that always cracks me up is how Scotty is replaced by a character named Welshy, who gets repeatedly electrocuted by the villain entity. Kind of reminds me of this episode of TOS.

capt.EO said...

that green hand always crack me up

Mugato said...

That Futurama episode is so great. And yes that green hand is ridiculous.