Sunday, January 15, 2012

Star Trek TOS: Episode 41 - THE DEADLY YEARS

"Strange radiation exposes the command crew of the Enterprise to the effects of rapid aging"

What a funny ass episode. In a good way though. An excellent mix of comedy and action. The away team (including Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Scotty) contract a disease that begins to age you 30 years for every day. Soon they are all elderly. They are constantly complaining, aching and are acting codgerly (however you spell that). The acting is pretty spot on and Kirk is fat with a big bald spot, it's just all pretty funny.

Yeoman Atkins
Commodore Stocker is on the ship and he takes command because he thinks Kirk is incapable. Unfortunately he taks the Enterprise right into through the neutral zone. Soon they are surrounded by Romulan ships. Kirk then imploys the infamous Corbomite Maneuver and saves the day. McCoy also has figured out the cure ... adrenaline ... for some reason. It's not important, because the episode is really damn good. (UPDATE: I just looked it up and Adrenaline is a treatment for Radiation exposure, kudos Star Trek)

I noticed that Scotty has been used very heavily in season two. This is good because I like the character. Typically he takes command of the ship when Kirk and Spock are away, and honestly he's a really good Captain. The only mention of him being a Captain doesn't come until one of the TNG movies I think, by this time he's an old man ... and looks EXACTLY like Mr. Belvadere.

ST TOS COUNTDOWN: 42 down 38 to go


Donald said...

Before half of these guys died, they should've refilmed this episode with footage of the actors as real old guys. That would've been cool.

Mugato said...

That would be awesome. Shatner has basically looked the same since the first movie.

Justin Garrett Blum said...

You're cracking me up today. He did look like Mr. Belvedere when he got old.

I always wondered why the ship's engineer would be the default commander when Spock and Kirk were off-ship. I mean, you never saw Geordi sitting in the captain's chair. But Scotty is awesome, so I guess it doesn't matter.