Monday, January 16, 2012

Star Trek TOS: Episode 43 - WOLF IN THE FOLD

This is one of my top 5 TOS episodes. While Scotty isn’t my favorite character, I still like the guy and think he is very underrated. This one is an entirely Scotty themed and it’s excellent. It starts off with Kirk, Scotty and McCoy at a strip club on some planet. It’s made up like an Arab harem and granted this girl is just a belly dancer but there is a scene in which she literally bends over backwards and pelvic thrusts right in Scotty’s face.

Scotty is super horny … and Kirk is super duper sleezy. Scotty leaves with this stripper, so he’s thinking … guaranteed lay. But there’s a scream and everyone runs out to find the girl stabbed multiple times and Scotty passed out with a knife in his hand. This happens two more times as Scotty kills a female Lt. and the wife of their host (this scene is reminiscent of Clue - the light go out, a scream, someone dead). Each time Scotty is holding the knife. There’s a weird side plot in which Scotty had recently been hit in the head by a women, so they think he may be a woman hater?? Anyway, there’s some odd mayor type guy or something played by the awesome John Fiedler (trust me you have seen or heard this guy a million times). He brings in two other suspects one being the strippers boyfriend and the other is The Iron Sheik.

Scotty is still the only obvious suspect. They take him, the host and the mayor to the Enterprise for a trial. This is the best part. The computer finds Scotty to be innocent … the glove didn’t fit.  The computer searches its data banks for a suspect. And what it comes up with is shocking. I remember gasping when I first saw this scene. The killer was ... Jack the Ripper. He’s an alien entity that travels around and kills woman. I wonder if any husband has tried to use this defense in a murder trial. Anyway, the killer was Jack the Ripper aka Redjac aka the mayor!

The ending is kind of strange. McCoy drugs everyone on the ship, this prevents the entity from entering anyone’s body. This entity leaves the ship and the crew is high on drugs. Hoorah for this one.

ST TOS COUNTDOWN: 44 down 36 to go


Capt.naps said...

Star fleet is pretty laid back....your captain can take you to a stripper planet?!?
I was talking to mugato and I was saying that in the future we won't have strip clubs because by that point every would be so skanky that you could just as easily get a lap dance from any girl on the street just by asking.
Me: hey I wanna see your boobies
Lady: sure, here you go
Me: sweet! Major boner city!!!

(in the future I'll still talk like a 13 year old from the 80s)

Mugato said...

Why would society go backwards to the point where woman are nothing but objects? Although Classic Star Trek seems to imply this.

Capt naps said...

In the future everyone will be equal hence everyone will be treated as objects