Saturday, October 12, 2013

Star Trek TNG: Episode 128 - Time's Arrow pt.2

Now for the conclusion to Time's Arrow.

I actually didn't like part two nearly as much part one. It was ok. The crew conveniently finds a portal that takes them back and forth to exactly 1893 (convenient), Picard gets trapped in the past, Mark Twain saves the day and Picard saves Earth by simply disabling the alien time portal.

Also, by the end of this episode I ended up hating Mark Twain. I would burn his books if I actually owned any of them.

127 down 52 to go


Donald said...

Mark Twain is the most obnoxious person who's ever walked the face of the earth. At least, according to this episode.

capt.naps said...

i remember watching this episode with my family when i was a kid (or teen...or when i was 20...when did it come out???) and my mother was like "why doesn't mark twain shut up"
i tend to agree...he was obnoxious.

If i ever met mark twain i'd ask him what the song "tom sawyer"meant. Exit the warrior today's tom sawyer???? what the hell does that mean?

Donald said...

To be fair, the lyrics to that song were very rushed.


Marty said...

That was Mark Twain??? I thought it was Albert Einstein