Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Star Trek TNG: Episode 132 - Schisms

What an interesting concept. Members of the Enterprise are being abducted by and tested on by aliens. I am surprised this has never come up before, at least in the traditional "alien abduction scenario" sense. It seems plausible that aliens would abduct humans off of space ships ... I mean they already abduct housewives from Midwestern farmhouses.

My favorite scene is when Data is reciting an original poem about his cat Spot and Riker keeps nodding off. It was very funny. Although I originally thought he was saying Spock. I was like "what an odd poem about Spock".


131 down 48 to go


Donald said...

The spot poem is one of my all time favorite scenes that I can never remember which episode its in. But I like this one. It's a good mystery.

capt.naps said...

Mugato said...

The Data Rape is so awesome

Mugato said...

I actually meant to type Data Rap ... but his Rape was also funny

Donald said...

Data rape?

Mugato said...

That is what Data does after he takes a woman out to dinner