Friday, November 01, 2013

Star Trek TNG: Episode 133 - True Q

"a young woman coming aboard evidences non-human abilities and is investigated by Q, who claims she is also a Q."

You nearly forget the Q is supposed to be the Villain. The problem is that "Q" is so quirky that he seems more like the comic relief. This episode sort of puts how brutal the Q Continuum is. Amanda, who is played by the cute as all hell Olivia d'Abo, is a Q/human  ... "Q" has been sent by the Continuum to kill her for being a hybrid.

132 down 47 to go


capt.naps said...

Olivia is a real QT...get it...cutie...qt

Donald said...

This is a fun episode, but there is a potential logic problem with the plot:

We learn that the penalty for leaving the Q Continuum is death... and yet in the episode Deja Q, Q's punishment for misdeed was to be made mortal. So why did they kill the girl's parents? Or why not just make this girl mortal?

Better question: Why don't I just shut the fuck up cause I'm a huge fucking nerd?

Anyway, fun episode, and Olivia d'Abo is crazy hot. I'd like to stick my Q in her continuum, if you know what I mean.

Donald said...

My favorite Q episode is the one called "Q," where he kills Mr. Body and Martin Mull, Madeline Khan, and Lesley Ann Warren have to solve the mystery.

Donald said...

I also really like that episode called "Elmer's Q," where Q gets the Enterprise into a really sticky situation.

Not Donald said...

I've always liked that episode "Qcumber" where Q... um... is a cucumber?

Also not Donald said...

I loved that episode Schindler's List where that little girl in the beginning kept yelling, "GOODBYE, Q!!! GOODBYE, QIII GOODBYE, Q!!!"

Donald said...

None of those were funny. Stop trolling this blog. We're trying to have a serious discussion on our favorite episodes of Star Trek.

Donald said...

Dude, I've got a Q episode you should watch:

"Fuck Q"

not donald said...

i liked the murder mystery episode "dial Q for Q" real shocking twist ending.

or the episode where he traps the crew in the holodeck recreation of his favorite 80s arcade classic Q Bert

Mugato said...
