Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Star Trek TNG: Episode 150 - Rightful Heir

Uggh, another Worf episode. He does just fine as a baseless thunderhead, I don't want to delve into his feelings.

In this one he goes on a spiritual journey and witnesses the return of Kahless. ends up being just a clone of Kahless. The one thing I did enjoy was seeing Gowron, I love that fat freak.

149 down 30 to go


Donald said...

How the fuck did the Klingons invent space travel if all they want to do is kill each other? How does a warrior culture invent a warp drive?

Mugato said...

For some reason, I have never thought of that. Great point.

capt.naps said...

when they show klingon planets, it always seemed terrible.
then again so does vulcan.