Thursday, October 30, 2014

Star Trek DS9 Episode 78 - Rejoined

"Dax is reunited with Lenara Kahn, the widow of one of her former hosts, Torias Dax, and the two struggle with their feelings for one another."

Ohhhh so THIS is the lesbian episode. The woman that plays Lenara Kahn is Susanna Thompson, known recently for her portrayal of Moira Queen on the show Arrow. She still looks good.

So this episode was known for the having one of the first lesbian kisses on TV. And I don't want to be that Mugato that says that it was hot....but yeah it was kind of hot. It was one of the greatest Trills of my life, it was quit Trilling, and also it was a real Triller. Ok, I'm done.

Actually it wasn't that great of an episode and the plot just makes me even more confused about the entire Trill/Host thing. Although Star Trek tried to address gay stuff, they never seemed to do it 100%. Like, well theoretically Dax is actually a man who's host looks female. Or the Riker episode were it was obviously a guy that he was attracted to, they had to say that nobody was quit sure what it was. It was a guy! Just come out say that Riker is actually gay. He pretty much looks like Christopher Lowell anyway. Look him up. I actually have his autograph somewhere, but that's a different story.

78 down and 98 to go


Justin Garrett Blum said...

How come they never did an episode where everybody was gay and it was weird to be straight?

capt.naps said...

they should go to a planet where everyone is gay. Like mafia world or ancient rome world...its gay world.

Mugato said...

I'm surprised they never did that. It could have been done respectfully I guess.

Justin Garrett Blum said...

The way things are going with reproductive technology, we'll all just be clones or otherwise test tube babies of some sort in the future, anyway, so at some point, it's going to stop mattering, right?

Mugato said...

Hmm a future in which sex for reproduction is unnecessary... sort of frightening, yet strangely bonerific

Unknown said...

This episode always bugged me as a Trekie, because it contradicts what we learned about the Trill when they were first introduced on Next Gen. In that episode, the trill that was in love with Beverly tried to keep the relationship going after the male host body was switched with a female host body. She said that's just how their culture works. But in this episode, it's suddenly taboo and illegal to stay in love.

And even if it didn't contradict an earlier episode, that's still dumb. Why would the government care if trills stayed together after switching hosts?