Monday, December 21, 2015

Star Trek VGR Episode 107 - Gravity

Tuvok and Paris crash on a planet stuck in a pocket of subspace, where they meet a female named Noss. A simple episode, but a good one. There have not been many Tuvok themed episodes, which is a shame because he is one of the better characters. This one flashes back to Tuvok as a youth during his Vulcan training. We see that he was somewhat rebellious and he wishes that he was not Vulcan. These feeling come up again as he starts to fall for this woman that they find on this Tatooine-like planet. Also, Noss is played by the woman that was Tank Girl (she was sort of terrible in this episode though).

107 down 65 to go

1 comment:

captain.naps said...

I remember liking tank girl when it came out

I bet its awful