Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Star Trek VGR Episode 113 - The Fight

Voyager is stuck in an area of space were physics doesn't apply...or something. Chakotay starts having a vision quest where he is a boxer??? For the rest of the episode he drifts back and forth between reality and his boxing match vision. He finally figures out that in his vision an alien is trying to contact him and give him coordinates to lead Voyager out of that area of space. They must be running out of episode ideas at this point. Although Ray Walston (My Favorite Martian) is in this one and he is always great when he makes these Trek appearances.

113 down 59 to go


capt.naps said...

I wonder if My Favorite Martian takes place in the same universe as Star Trek

Mugato said...

That would be awesome. They should just cross that over