Saturday, April 28, 2012

Star Trek III: The Search For Spock

I thought Wrath 0f Khan was good, but this movie totally trumps it. Awesome. Khan seemed to be more of an action film, but Search for Spock was more of a drama ... and a well done one at that. Shatners acting is probably the best of his career. This movie has many key moments. The rebirth of Spock, the cloaked Bird of Prey, the failure of Genises, the death of David, the battle to the death between Kirk and Christopher Lloyd, the return of Sarek (played by the barely aged Mark Lenard), Spocks spirit inside Bones and the 000destruct0 of the Enterprise. From the second it starts to the dramatic ending of Spocks fal tor pan, this movie is great. Also, John Larrouquette's best performance ... other than Dan Feilding.


Donald said...

This is a totally underrated movie. The only real flaw is that it doesn't work on its own, and kind of has to be seen as the middle part of a story trilogy with Khan and Voyage home. But, yeah, this movie is great.

But Khan is better in my opinion because it's got more Spock.

Mugato said...

Yeah, Spock only really appears at the end. But Shatner was very good and barely overacted.

Justin Garrett Blum said...

I guess I always think of this film as a bridge between Star Trek II and IV, which is why I haven't watched it as often or don't get as excited about it. It is pretty good, though. On a related note, I hate when people talk about the curse of the odd-numbered Star Trek films.