Sunday, April 29, 2012

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

The Voyage Home is a very good movie. In some ways it's better than II and III, in other ways it's not as good. I'll tell you this though, it's very unique. It's well directed, well written and very funny, in fact it almost seems like a spoof at times. It completely lacks action but sometimes that isn't a bad thing.

On paper the entire plot looks very odd. The crew no longer command the Enterprise but fly a Klingon Bird of Prey. They go back in time by swinging around the sun in order to save the whales. Oh and the villain yet again is a stupid probe. But I'll be honest, it all works. This is a very solid film. I'm not going to ruin the ending for you ... but it involves Ronald Regan giving Kirk AIDS.


Donald said...

This is my pick for both the best Trek movie ever and probably the best sci-fi movie ever. I love it.

Mugato said...

Just as a movie in general it's very good. What is so cool is that people that are not star trek or sci-fi fans would probably enjoy the film.

capt.naps. said...

easily the cheapest star trek movie ever made.
they go back to "modern" earth
in an INVISIBLE space ship

Mugato said...

haha yeah, good point. They must have grossed a shit load. Although they probably paid Nimoy and Shatner a Klingon's ransom

Justin Garrett Blum said...

On YouTube, I recently stumbled across that scene in which Spock gives the neck pinch to that punk asshole on the bus. The thing that always makes me laugh about that scene is how for all anybody knows, Spock just killed that guy, yet everybody applauds.

Anyway, great movie. I love it.