One of the only episodes that I had watched previously. I remember thinking how dumb it was ... and it still is. Spock ends up being cloned by a cast off from the Eugenics War. The idea seems decent enough, but why does Spock have to be 50 feet tall? Why does the planet have half human/half plants that really add nothing to the plot? This episode was written by Walter Koenig, good for him because Checkov doesn't appear on TAS. His spot is taken by the stupidest looking alien with the most obnoxious voice named Mr. Arix. I hate him.
A fucking home run. This would have been an awesome live action episode. How many times has Kirk and crew encountered Gods? Many times, right? Well, how about just once they actually meet Satan? Oh yeah. Lucifer explains how he was once on Earth and that he know resides with a race called the Megans in a place full of magic and witchcraft. Satan is actually pretty good guy, very likable. He takes Kirk and crew to this planet and they soon develop magic powers. The Megans see this as an abomination and they transport Lucifer, Kirk and crew to Salem during the witch trials. Here's were it gets pretty awesome. Lucifer is actually the one on trial and Kirk defends him. Kirk offers to give up his own life to save the devil. The Megans are impressed and let everyone go. Spock ends the episode with a great line, "This is the second time Lucifer was cast out and, thanks to you, the first time he was saved". Weird, maybe a bit stupid, but it went to a place in which Star Trek (and certainly a child's Saturday morning cartoon) had never gone.
Ep. 9 Once Upon A Planet
Skip it. The Enterprise returns to the ever popular Shore Leave planet .... and again nearly get killed. This is seriously the worst place ever. The Keeper has since died and left the planet in control of a computer. The computer comes to resent his job and plans on just killing everyone. The thing kidnaps Uhura for seemingly no reason. They get a half cat-half woman to take her place as communications officer. Which just proves that another animal could easily to Uhura's job.
Kirk has a nice discussion with the machine and convinces it to be a good bucket of bolts. I did find out that everything you encounter on this planet is robotic. On TOS I wasn't sure if it was holograms or what. So ... wouldn't the main reason to go to this planet be to get laid by whomever you dream of? You can't really screw a robot.
giant spock
....i have no comment for that episode
Damn, Satan is ripped! Satan should have his own workout show where his catchphrase is "Feel the burn!"
Get it? Because it takes place in hell?
And they went BACK to that shore leave planet?! I haven't even been back to Philly after getting a mediocre cheesesteak and being overcharged on my hotel room. I sure as shit wouldn't go back to some planet where robots and holograms tried to murder me.
Interesting you mention Philly. Very disappointed by the cheesesteaks and I spent a lot for a hotel that was "steps from the liberty bell" yet also in the ghetto.
I'm a man and even I was afraid of getting raped. I was afraid that if I looked at a homeless person I would catch the disease of alcoholism. It was so ghetto that they had a statue of Uhura made entirely out of menthol cigarettes.
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