Thursday, June 07, 2012

Star Trek TNG: Episode 21 - Heart of Glory

A few cool things in this episode. One ... they dive into Geordi's origins and the technical aspects of his visor. Even though it adds nothing to the plot. And evidently he still sees like shit. Two ... they dive deeper into the Worf character, his origins and his struggle with being Klingon. This is what makes TNG a great series. The character development is incredible, plus they get so technical. This is what I always wanted from Star Trek ... show me how everything works. The plot is basically, the Enterprise saves three Klingon fugitives and this forces Worf to unleash his inner beast. He's actually pretty scary for once.

ST TNG: 20 down 158 to go


Donald said...

This was a fun episode. I like this one.

Capt naps said...

I like his visor but shouldn't they be able to just give him new eyes ? They can take a person apart at the sub atomic level and shoot them through space and put them
Back together but they can't give him working eyes?? The best they got is a banana clip !?

Mugato said...

You think they would...

Donald said...

Geordi's Visor is one of those things that points out the inherent contradictions of the Star Trek universe. The character is blind because they wanted to have a blind character, even if that affliction should no longer exist in this mythology.