Monday, June 18, 2012

Star Trek TNG: Episode 28 - The Child

Season Two. A rough year for Star Trek with the whole writers strike thing and shit. They used some old Phase II scripts and this is one of them. A lot of people hate this episode, but I didn't find it all that bad. It's not top quality but the acting was good. And Troi is always hot. Even when she's having an alien baby that rapidly grows from a newborn to teenager in like one day. Riker finally grows his beard. Gates McFadden is gone, replaced by some other doctor woman of whom I can't stand. This episode also has the great ... well maybe not great, but mildly decent Miles O'Brien in it. Another surprise was Guinan. I have always hated this character, but in this episode Whoopi Goldberg was just so damn good. I'm not a big fan of Whoopi, but I must admit that she's a pretty solid actor. ANYWAY. Why does a ship that has replicators, need a bartender?

ST TNG: 27 down 151 to go


Capt naps said...

The enterprise has a weird bar scene. How many people are even on the ship anyways? All the main characters work the same shifts? Who is in charge when Picard is asleep? I have no idea

Donald said...

I like Guinan. But I'm not a huge fan of this episode, nor of this entire season to be honest. This is gonna be a long couple months.

Mugato said...

Yeah this season is shit. I can't wait for the season finale, that one is a classic.