Monday, August 06, 2012

Star Trek TNG: Episode 46 - Manhunt

"The Enterprise must transport delegates to a conference, one of whom is an extremely mate-hungry Lwaxana Troi with eyes for Picard."

This episode was stupid but kind of funny. Lwaxana is looking for a man and wants Picard ... so naturally he hides in the holodeck the entire time. What a buzzkill. Why not just get laid already. Then she sets her sites on Riker, he actually seems tempted too. Majel Barret looks pretty good actually. Also Mick Fleetwood plays a giant fish.

ST TNG: 45 down 133 to go


Capt naps said...

Ya Picard should have just banged her. I don't think he had to actually date her or anything. It was funny that he was hiding in holodeck though

Beta zoids are all Greeks? What a weird planet

Mugato said...

If we had a holodeck in my house growing up, my dad would have certainly been hiding in it

Donald said...

Mugato just somehow made a Mr Roper joke. I don't know what that means.

And this episode... I don't really remember it enough to comment, but it was cute. Still a long way toward this show getting great however.

Capt naps said...

I wonder what mugato's dad's holodeck fantasy would have been?? Meeting Elvira ?

Mugato said...

Meating Elvira.

Picard enters the holodeck. Riker holds thumb and index finger together and shakes his hand in a tinkerbell-esque manner.